Timing your zombie placement right, you can cash in on this behaviour. Scaredy shrooms cower in fear even when a zombie approaches them on an adjacent lane (not only on their actual lane).I also remember that when first placed and performing his moonwalk, this zombie can simply bypass plants. You don't have to worry about squashes or chompers since they will waste themselves on the summoned zombie dancing directly in front of the dancer.

Of course, you would have to make sure to eliminate all ranged opposition in the lane you actually place him on and be wary of plants with split fire (such as the star fruit). Optimally, you can clear three lanes with minimal casualties by placing him in any non-extreme lane (not topmost nor bottommost). This guy can save you a lot of sun if used correctly. Maximize your use of the dancer zombie.An imp, for example, can walk over thorns and live (two hits, if I remember correctly), but the next hit will make him drop dead (again). This Device enables you to preview the music. It really is probably the greatest MP3 music download apps that lets you help save remix and cover track versions of first music. This takes some trial and error, but once you get the feel you can make wiser decisions as to your zombie placements. Plants Vs Zombies Survival Endless Easy Strategy For 100 Flags, SONGily is usually a totally free MP3 download app. Remember how much hits each zombie can survive.Though I haven't played in a while, here are some pointers I can think of: